Our Charity Commitment

Our Charity Commitment 

As a family run business we are committed to raising awareness around social issues and supporting charities that are important to our employees. 

We have partnered with the Lennox Children's Cancer Fund for a number of years and make regular company donations throughout the year. 

Since the charity started in 1992, The Lennox Children’s Cancer Fund main aim has been to make a positive difference to the lives of children diagnosed with cancer. This is done by offering practical, financial and emotional support to the whole family through a range of projects.

The caring teams always give 100% to ensure that the families we help have the support they need to get through the problems and stresses that cancer brings. The trust aims to make a big difference to as many children as possible with the minimum of fuss and without the need for 'red tape'.  Any request for assistance will be considered in an open, friendly, understanding and sensitive manner. Find out more about the charity here: https://www.lennoxccf.org.uk/